Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Cracow

Polowiec i Wspólnicy sp. j. is a member company of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Cracow.

We are pleased to announce that in February 2016, Polowiec i Wspólnicy sp. j. joined the group of member companies of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cracow.

Currently, the priority directions of CIC’s activity, and at the same time its long-term strategic goals, are:

  • improvement of competitiveness and assistance to entrepreneurs in the implementation of innovative technologies and in activities on the Unified European Union Market and third markets,
  • stimulating economic development through solutions conducive to the creation of employment,
  • representing and defending the interests of the economic environment,
  • continuous updating and adapting the Chamber’s offer to the expectations of innovation, developing business contacts between members.

We hope to actively support CIC in reaching these objectives.

You can find more about CIC’s activities at: