
Tomasz Adamczewski

Attorney-at-law / Partner

Attorney-at-Law with proceedings experience and experience in legal&business advisory; advises on matters related to the conducting of medical activities and production of technical gases, medical devices and medicinal products.

He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at Jagiellonian University in Kraków and an attorney-at-law trainee at the Kraków Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law. A member of the Kraków Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law, Attorney-at-Law registry number KR-3597.

He conducts practice in the field of commercial law, civil law, medical law and pharmaceutical law, in issues related to medical activity and in all areas of law related to economic activity.

He developed and expanded his qualifications advising large economic entities conducting manufacturing of medicinal products as well as medical activity. He has experience in proceedings, acquired in courts and administrative proceedings, with the participation of domestic and foreign entities.

He conducted trainings in the field of medical law, discussing the principles and process of contracting medical services in Poland, forms of employment in health entities as well as the process of construction and management of a healthcare facility.

He also provides a legal advisory in English.


tomasz adamczewski prawnik kraków