The 26th Economic Forum

The 26th Economic Forum

Forum EkonomiczneThe 26th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój

The largest in Central and Eastern Europe political and economic conference – the 26th Economic Forum was held on 6 – 8 September 2016 in Krynica-Zdrój.

As in previous year Polowiec & Wspólnicy Sp. j. joined the Forum as its Partner.

During the Forum our Office was represented by the legal counsels, Beata Superson-Polowiec and Adam Polowiec. One of the panels Beata Superson-Polowiec participated in was “The role of women in creating reforms – ants or leaders? Central European perspective.”

For more information about the events click the links below:…/309089885-Mrowka-czy-liderka-czyli-o-mie……/1,148285,20663835,krynica-2016-kobiet…

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