25th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój – account of panel discussion

25th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój – account of panel discussion

On 8 September 2015 during 25th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój, panel discussion “European Industrial Policy – a Global Challenge” took place. Speaker representing Polowiec i Wspólnicy Sp. j. was legal counsel Adam Polowiec.
Spekares agreed that innovations in industry and proper climatic policy are necessary to restoration European industry. As an example investment of Enea energy concern in modern coal unit in Kozienice was cited. Speakers emphasized significance of this year`s UN`s climatic summit in Paris during which decisions concerning reduction of CO2 emission are to be made.
The attention was also paid to differences in energy prices between Europe and other economies. Especially in the context of currently negotiated Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) between European Union and USA.
Thank you for participation!
Detailed account of the event is available at: http://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/xxv-forum-ekonomiczne/relacje-z-debat/europejska-polityka-przemyslowa-globalne-wyzwania/#.VfKjdJfNvUc