Risk project 2016

Risk project 2016

20160510 222736The RISK Project Conference was held on 10-11 May 2016 in Warsaw under the auspices of “Rynek Inwestycji” magazine. The main issues addressed during the Conference were how to secure and monitor safety in industry, including the whole process from the early stage of investment designing to its exploitation and the innovative solutions in this respect. The Conference gathered a group of recognized academic authorities in the field of safety in industry, but also entrepreneurs who implement innovative technologies. The representatives of insurance and financial sectors also joined the event, and the legal services sector was represented by Polowiec & Wspólnicy Sp. j. in the persons of Marcin Jamrozik, legal counsel and Anna Leszczyńska, legal counsel.

On 10 May, the first day of the Conference, among the events a discussion panel was conducted on “Safe industry – from the investment to the exploitation” with Mr Marcin Jamrozik as one of the panelists. His speech referred to the role of a legal analysis in the investment process and security assessment in industry from the project perspective in terms of Polish legislation.

The panelist participating in the discussions agreed on the importance of taking integrated approach to the issue and emphasized the requirement of including in the investment plans different aspects allowing its smooth and safe execution. They underlined a significant role of legal analysis as early as at the initial stage of investment design and the need to create a complementary interdisciplinary team including a lawyer in order to define potential risk during the investment process.

The awards of “Rynek Inwestycji” magazine were presented during the gala of the RISK Project 2016 Conference. We are proud to inform that Polowiec & Wspólnicy Sp. j. were awarded the gold medal of “Rynek Inwestycji” for “the comprehensive innovative legal assistance for industrial investments and the courage to take up the challenge of unusual cases.”


Foto: Foto Wydawnictwo MaxMedia